Jelly Roll Morton Birthday – October 20, 1890

Jelly Roll Morton Birthday – Jelly Roll Morton was born on October 20, 1890 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. His family was of Creole descent, and he grew up in a musical household.

He got his start in music by playing piano in brothels and vaudeville theaters in the Storyville district of New Orleans in the early 1900s. He soon became a sought-after performer, known for his unique blend of ragtime and blues styles. In the 1920s, he began recording with various jazz bands, including his own group, the Red Hot Peppers, which featured some of the most talented jazz musicians of the era. Morton’s innovative compositions and arrangements, as well as his skill as a pianist and bandleader, helped to shape the sound of early jazz. He died on July 10, 1941 at the age of 50.

Jelly Roll Morton shares his birthday with these jazz musicians:

  • Alon Farber
  • Amanda Trees
  • Andrea Bartelucci
  • Anouar Brahem
  • Anthony Taddeo
  • Bill Chase
  • Blake Hellaby
  • Cecil Myers
  • Charles Ives
  • Charley Langer
  • Claudius Valk
  • Craig Scott
  • Dado Moroni
  • Daniel Deaguero
  • Dave Mohn
  • Diane Marino
  • Eddie Harris
  • Fidel Morales
  • Guy Shuman
  • Henrik Lødøen
  • Jack West
  • Joe Bourne
  • Joel Clemons
  • José Valentino
  • Jvera
  • Lina Allemano
  • Machrijam
  • Mário Franco
  • Mark O’Leary
  • Martin Taylor
  • Marty Gilman
  • Matt Nowlin
  • Mike Bullock
  • Mike Hyziak
  • Oleksandr Kolosii
  • Panagiotis Iliou
  • Paul Pieper
  • Ralph Burnett
  • Rodrigo Recabarren
  • Rose Rutledge
  • Russell Gunn
  • Scott Laningham
  • Terry Disley
  • Willie Jones
  • X-Sturr

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